The Inside World of Smart Security

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

Find how to work on home security ring. - D

Cyber-attack and data breaches are the two most leading concerns in today’s world. A Device becomes more vulnerable to attacks when it is interconnected with other devices. IoT enabled devices have eased our daily chores. With security systems to home appliances, IoT enabled home solutions can make our work easier. The governance systems installed in the home and surroundings, too, are smart, thus can be hacked easily. What if a burglar breaks in your house and disables the Wi-Fi, all your devices will shut down, and your house can be quickly looted. You need advanced home security ring protection to resist the attack.

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices
Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

How To Protect Your Home

Securing your home from attacks and making them less vulnerable is not easy. With the internet providing solutions and even codes to hack into systems, enhanced protection features must be installed. But there are a few tips that will ensure your home is safe.

Always use encrypted servers for data transfers. Also, set up encryption like WPA2, for your Wi-Fi. It is better to provide guest networks to your visitors or relatives. IoT products or devices come with usernames and passwords. Immediately change the default password and user Ids. Hackers will surely know the default user Id and password of the IoT devices so it’s better to immediately change the default password and user Ids. Disable the features in your IoT devices that are no need for you, such as remote access.

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices
Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

While securing your devices virtually, do not forget about the burglars or thieves that might break-in. Installing CCTV cameras will not do all the work. You need protective devices that can detect motions or movements and notify you. Always try to private Wi-Fi for security and governance systems. Public Wi-Fi can make your devices more vulnerable.

What Is The Home Security Ring?

The main components of this kit include a Motion detector, keypads, contact sensor, base station, and range extender. The contact sensors detect the movement of doors or windows, and the motion sensors detect the motions. A mobile notification pop-ups whenever these sensors pick some movements.

Smart Wi-Fi and Voice Control Electric Wall Socket

Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices
Tips To Help Secure Your Home With Home Security Ring And IoT devices

It is a smart socket that can be controlled using a remote and is compatible with the virtual assistants. The smart socket can automatically turn on and off and can be controlled with a wide variety of devices such as mobile phones and tablets. There is also a physical switch and comes with timing function.


IoT enabled smart home solutions are, in fact, a boon to society. At the same time, there is a scope for cyber-crimes as well. Devices like the Smart Wi-Fi and Voice Control Electric Wall Socket can make sure that you do not leave your plug on accidentally. But you can connect these sockets to multiple devices at the same time and imagine it being connected to a hacker’s device. Therefore you need to secure your homes with protection solutions like home security ring. It can help detect the presence of intruders as well as cannot be easily hacked.