The Inside World of Smart Security

Wireless Camera Hacks – 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly

Wireless Camera Hacks - 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly

Wireless Camera Hacks - 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly

In this article, we have summed up 4 ways for you to check and tell whether or not your wireless camera is working or not.

One of the most asked questions about security cameras if whether they are working properly or not. Well, knowing that is quite difficult until you know the know-how of it. Security cameras do not always work as they show in the movies. The red light does not always keep blinking and they do not always keep moving from one direction to another until set up to do so. In this article, we have summed up 4 ways for you to check and tell whether or not your wireless camera is working or not.

Observe If The Wireless Camera Is Moving

Wireless Camera Hacks - 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly
Wireless Camera Hacks – 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly

A pan-tilt type security camera is the one that keeps moving from one angle to another. If you have one such camera installed in your house or office, the first thing to do is to notice its movement. When switched on, these cameras rotate continuously scanning everything around them. Besides, you will also get to hear a continuous buzzing sound. So, if you see the camera rotating, you will know that it is on and working properly.

Checking The LED Status In The IP Cameras

If you have installed a wireless IP Security Camera, the best time to check its working status is when it is dark. That is because the little LED lights all around the circumference of the cameras turn red only when it is dark. The red light does not continuously blink, they stay still while recording every ongoing activity. This is also a quick and easy way to check if the camera has night vision and if that too is working properly. If you want to check the status of the camera during the daytime, you can use a book or a large object to cover the light falling on the camera. The red light will pop even in minimal darkness.

Logging In To The Wireless Camera Software To View Live Streaming

Wireless Camera Hacks - 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly
Wireless Camera Hacks – 4 Ways To Tell If They Are Working Properly

Most of us have security camera applications installed on our phones to view live streaming. So if you ever have a doubt about the working status of your camera, you can instantly check the app installed on your phone. If you see the little ‘Recording’ button somewhere on the screen, you will know that your wireless camera is working. If not, it can either be a cable issue or some issues with the camera itself.

Using Electronic Bug Detectors

Wireless CCTV cameras work using signals. They even produce something called a balanced signal. This balanced signal is a sign that the camera is up and running properly. You can also check this using your phones. This is also a great way to detect the presence of hidden cameras. Since CCTV security cameras produce higher radiation within a specific range, electronic bug detectors pick that up quickly and tell you if the camera is working.

Now that you know these quick and easy fixes for detecting whether or not your camera is working, you do not need to call someone to check the same for you. These hacks will help you cut out on unwanted expenses and keep you on the favorable side of installing cameras in your homes or offices.