We all want to protect our valuable assets along with our near and dear ones. However, acquiring the best state of the art equipment for home security is beyond everyone’s means. You might have enough budget to set a brilliant security system for your home. But it will be a foolish outlook to approach since I present you with some effective, affordable yet easy ideas that can change your perspective in an instant. I am here with three brilliant home lock ideas that will help you have your vicinity burglar-proof. Therefore let us get going-
The Obvious One: Keep The Doors And Windows Locked
In simple terms, this good habit will do always good for you and your family. As per reports, home break-in suggests that thieves out there target easy victims. Additionally, most of the burglaries happen during the morning which takes around 8-10 min to wrap up. Around 34% of the thieves tend to break in from the front door. While the remaining choose to get inside from the back door. The majority of the perps prefer easy access to the property which is likely to be empty. Therefore keeping all the entrance locked up even if you are inside is absolutely great.

Make Sure To Update Your Locks From Time To Time
I am pretty sure that it’s been ages since you updated your locks. Therefore it is time to carry out an inventory. Check whether any lock is damaged or not. There might be a chance that already your home was targeted. Therefore checking the locks from time to time will let you have a secure territory. Additionally, try to avoid contact with any strangers lurking in the neighborhood. However, if you happen to converse with one already then try to change the locks and replace the old ones with temper proof models. Furthermore change the exterior doors with ANSI grade 1 or 2 deadbolts.

Make Sure To Reinforce The Windows, Doors, And Hardware
Enough with the locks now let us take a look at the doors, windows, and additional hardware. Your locks have already received quiet attention. And they now rock solid to protect your life. What if the doors and windows are not doing great. Therefore check all the entrance especially on the first floor. If the doors are thin change them. Additionally, add some extra barricades to add support to the doors and windows. If you have sliding doors ad an auxiliary foot. Or you can also place a dowel, this will prevent forcible entry.
Stainless Steel Buckle Door Lock
While we are on the topic of locks and doors, let me take through this item which will offer some extra protection to you. Besides being used as the door lock this item will suitably sit strong as a window lock as well. Additionally, you can also add this lock to your furniture. Furthermore, it is an anti-corrosion product that will last you long.

Well, these are some of the effective ideas that you need to start adopting as soon as you can. Well changing your habit can be difficult however these are simple hence switching to this new perspective is definitely going to make you stay safe and secure.
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